Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 5

Did I mention that Zumba was going to kill me? It practically did! 

I met Karen Brown at Life Center and we had a great time but it was exhausting. After the first 10 minutes I looked up at the clock and was amazed that only that short amount of time had  passed. 

They added a new thing to the workout (as if Zumba by itself wasn't enough!) After each song or dance, you had to do 10 push-ups. I did them against the wall, but it was tiring after the 6th series!
My knees are killing me, but I know if I go home and ice  them I'll be just fine. I will admit I've never been more excited to have the Sabbath day tomorrow where I get a rest!
I read Taylor's blog and noted that he is putting in weight gains and losses, etc. I made a conscious decision this time around not to weigh myself. I think that would just be more discouraging than anything for me. I'd rather just focus on being healthy and active. For 100 days I think I can do that!

The great thing is that I believe I can do this! Megan asked me today how I felt and I told her in reality, I feel AWFUL! Mostly because of my knees. But I DON'T feel discouraged. I'll just keep going and this will work itself out!

  • make sure the workouts have a good variety, 
  • try to do your workouts at the first of the day and not make up excuses to postpone it, 
  • get other people to exercise with you because it makes the time go faster, 
  •  blog every day. It's a nice way to think through the experience and create new and fresh goals for yourself.

  • Find a way to do upper body workout every other day to rest my knee
  • Ice my knee every night
  • Make plans in the evening for the following days activities
  • Get excited about how good you feel!
I'm on my way......100 days is the perfect challenge.

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