Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 10!! Yahoo!!

After yesterday's failure, I felt myself slipping and was so discouraged! I worked in the morning and when I got home the internal struggle was HUGE. I kept thinking "forget it", "it's too hard", "I'm too tired", and every other excuse I've come up with over the years. But the thought of coming to this blog and admitting defeat was overwhelming!!

I had texted Megan to see if we could work out together, but she had already made plans with her friend. I was on my own. And "my own" was not looking too promising! Then, as I sat on the couch struggling over how I was going to accomplish a workout, I got a call from that angel, Megan. Her plans with her friend had fallen through and she needed a workout buddy.....ME! It was all I needed to push me into that gym. Thanks so much, Megan!

I was pretty psyched after I finished, I realized that it was NOT a big deal to just get in my car and drive to the gym to make something fabulous happen. I'll admit that the first 5 minutes were a killer, but I pushed through and felt totally energized by the time I was done.

A mind game I play....when I reach the 11 minute mark in a 45 minute workout, I think to myself: "I just need to do that 11 minutes three more times". When I reach 15 minutes, I say "I just need to do that 15 minutes two more times". I know it sounds silly, but it seems to break up the time into manageable chunks!

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